Thursday, November 19, 2015

Schedule for 11/25

8:00 -9:02
APA/AAHS/MHS Freshman and Seniors
(R4L Kick Off – Baxel Auditorium)
Assembly may go over the class time allotment
9:05 – 10:07

10:10 – 11:15
APA/AAHS/MHS Sophomores and Juniors
Assembly may go over the class time allotment. 
11:19 – 12:00
Ø  AAHS Students will report to 9/10. 
Ø  If 7/8 assembly goes long, AAHS Teachers in 7/8 assembly should proceed to 9/10 class if AAHS/MHS/APA students will be present.
·         All AIT/UCTech students (R4L Kick Off – Gym)
·         AIT/UCT Students will report to 7/8 class and go with class to gym.
12:00 – 12:24
School Based Activities

Thursday, September 10, 2015

HW Due Monday: Ads

Objective: The purpose of this assignment is to begin to analyze advertisements.

When looking at ads, you can get into very complicated analyses – and we will – but you can also look at them on a basic level. At the most basic level, here’s what you need to do to analyze an ad.

Take the following steps:
 • Literally, what do you see in the ad?
 • Who is the “target audience”?  Base this decision on what the product is, what is literally in the ad, and which age group, gender, ethnicity, race, etc. this would appeal to.
• What is the message? This goes beyond, “HEY! Buy this candy bar!!!” What does the ad tell the target audience the product can do for them through what’s in the ad?

The homework – FOR Friday! Looking at a “print” ad, respond to the three bulleted questions above in writing. Your response will likely wind up being about ½ to ¾ of a page, but longer would be fine. Include a copy of the ad to the back of the assignment.

 Notes about the assignment: 1. You must use ads that are appropriate for the class. At this point, that means nothing for a product that would lead to your arrest if you used it in the school’s hallway (like cigarettes, alcohol, firearms, pornography, et c.) 2. The ad you used must exist in print or on the internet. Because you’ll need to refer to it as you write, you can’t have it be something that you just saw once on TV a few years ago and basically remember – you must have a copy in front of you as you work. Make sure you bring that copy; a screenshot is better than a link.

Your work should be added to your Google Folder in the following format: Ads Homework, (Your name).

Please also help build our magazine collection and bring any extras you have to class. We will need these ASAP!